Every divorce is unique and requires personalized legal solutions to attain the best outcome. Mediation and litigation are both popular ways chosen by couples to resolve their divorce-related issues. They each have their pros and cons, and a skilled Wisconsin divorce mediation attorney can help determine which is right for you.
They carefully assess your case and help you understand whether mediation will be successful for you. Their presence helps make the mediation process as simple and stress-free for you as possible. They are experienced and help you navigate the extensive and challenging divorce law.
How is mediation beneficial?
It gives you control over the outcome of your divorce.
Divorce mediation is a voluntary and collaborative process where both parties have productive discussions to reach mutually beneficial solutions for their issues. You and your spouse can resolve issues most appropriately because you know your family the best and know what is right for them. In divorce litigation, a judge that does not know your family personally makes binding decisions over which you have no control.
It is less costly and time-consuming.
Divorce litigation is expensive and requires both parties to undertake substantial costs to prepare for it. It is also an extensive procedure since it is complicated and may take up to 3-5 years. Although the exact cost may vary based on your needs, mediation is significantly cheaper than litigation, and the significant expenses only include the attorneys and mediator’s fee. It is also easier and faster than litigation and takes about 3-6 months on average.
It can preserve relationships.
Divorce litigation can be mentally exhausting, stressful, and frustrating for both parties. It may also heighten feelings of anger and resentment between the spouses. Divorce is a peaceful process that requires and encourages the cooperation of both parties. They can communicate effectively and make mutually-beneficial decisions. It allows them to maintain a good relationship even after the divorce, which is extremely important for co-parenting.
It is confidential.
Divorce mediation enables you and your family to maintain your privacy during these challenging times. During litigation, the court hearings are open to the public and become part of a public record that anyone can easily access. Mediation is entirely confidential, and anything that you discuss cannot be disclosed publicly.
Choosing mediation can make divorce significantly easier. It also relieves your stress and helps you avoid legal battles in the future. Your divorce attorney in Wisconsin guides you and enables you to understand your post-divorce rights and responsibilities. They ensure that the agreement reached is fair for both sides.
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