If you are a student, there are many options for loans. But which app gives the best deals? This article will help you choose from the numerous loans offered by reputed financial institutions. In addition, you can use your mobile phone as collateral, if you need to borrow money for college or for your studies. While searching for loans, you should avoid scams and use a reputable loan app that offers competitive rates.
One of the most reliable loan apps in India is Slice. You need to get a slice card with a credit limit of Rs 4,000. Then, use it to buy anything from books to mobile phones. You can even pay back the money over a month without incurring any additional fees. You can even convert your spends into EMI. You must be a citizen of India to use this app. It doesn’t check your credit history or check your credit score, which is great for students.
ChangEd is another popular option. It automatically rounds up purchases to the nearest dollar. You can then use this money toward your student loans. You can set up the app to deduct the difference from your paycheck or regular checking account and then deposit it into your student loan. Another alternative to ChangEd is the Quicken app. This app allows you to budget and automatically categorize your spending. It also offers a cash-back reward system at participating merchants.