There are some key differences between OFDM and CDMA, as well as advantages and disadvantages of each. One of the most notable differences is that OFDM is more flexible than CDMA, as it can be used to communicate across various frequency bands, whereas CDMA requires significant processing power to equalise the spectrum. While both technologies have advantages, CDMA is generally preferred in mobile phone networks due to its high data rate and wide bandwidth.
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The primary advantage of OFDM over CDMA is its ability to reduce interference and maximize spectral efficiency. The total symbol rate is nearly equal to the Nyquist rate of the equivalent baseband signal, and it is possible to utilize almost the entire spectrum. Additionally, the frequency bands used by OFDM tend to be ‘white’ in color, which is beneficial for devices that are sensitive to electromagnetic interference. Read more about: soreplica
In addition to the inherent advantages of OFDM over CDMA, the latter is less expensive and has greater spectral efficiency. For example, OFDM is less sensitive to frequency offsets, while CDMA is better at handling these offsets. OFDM requires the use of specially designed sequences to ensure proper communication. By contrast, CDMA uses specially designed sequences that require correlator banks and rake receivers.
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The difference between OFDM and CDMA? is based on the way the signal is encoded. OFDM uses orthogonal subcarriers to ensure high-quality audio and video transmission. It also requires fewer operations and fewer roundoff errors. This makes OFDM more efficient in many scenarios, and is widely used in mobile devices. FYI, OFDM can be used to send a variety of signals simultaneously.
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