HBO has just premiered a documentary called “The Last Movie Stars,” about the life and deaths of Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward. The film starts with an extended video call with the cast and stars, including George Clooney, Laura Linney thaionlinegamingworld, Oscar Isaac, Sam Rockwell, and more. As the documentary continues, the actors discuss what they loved most about being famous theinewshunt. Watch “The Last Movie Stars” to see what makes the two of them tick.
Most actors strive to become movie stars in the hopes of earning huge paychecks. However, it is possible for an actor to stay a credible screen presence while earning big bucks. For example, the massive talent behind Transformers 3 is a good thing, but a movie star can also stay credible, giving excellent performances. The Rock could produce Mamma Mia and Doubt within the same Worldkingnews year, as she has in the past. Even George Clooney has taken a more low-key approach to his films in recent years.
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