Amazon Alexa allows you to receive notifications when you purchase something from their website, but you can also turn off these notifications in the settings. To do this, you will need to have the Amazon Alexa application installed on your phone and your Echo device connected to the internet. Then, navigate to the Settings menu of the app, and select the “Delivery” option. Once the settings are set, you can turn off delivery notifications for Amazon.
When you check the notification box, Alexa will say the product and shipment name. If you don’t want to hear this, you can also disable the notifications. To do this, you can open the Alexa app and go to the Delivery Notifications tab. The yellow notification icon will disappear after Alexa has read all new notifications. CNET and Craigs Tech Talk have more information on how to turn off notifications on Alexa.
You can also turn off notifications for certain categories, such as upcoming events and recent purchases. The last one, Announcements, lets you know when your package will arrive, but it can also inform you of other updates that impact the whole house. If you prefer not to receive notifications, you can turn this off in the Settings menu. When you’re done, you’ll be able to customize the notifications for the different categories, like delivery and shopping.
In order to prevent delivery notifications, you must disable “Follow updates” in the Alexa app. This will prevent Alexa from reminding you to rate products. Once you’ve turned off Amazon delivery notifications, you can turn them back on as soon as you’re ready to open them. However, it’s best to turn off delivery notifications during holidays, as they can spoil the surprise of Christmas and birthday gifts.