While purchasing a small cotton candy machine, it is important to determine the number of cones it can produce. A machine with a high cone production rate is better for large parties than a low-priced one that produces a few cones. You should also consider how much flossing sugar your machine uses. If you don’t plan on using all the sugar, you should purchase reusable cones and disposable ones instead.
The most common type is a cart, which has wheels. The wheels make this machine easy to transport and will fit on your countertop or table. Some models come with storage drawers, and the stainless steel kettle is easily removed for cleaning. This machine can weigh up to 50 pounds. If you’re on a budget, you may want to consider renting a cart. These are not as impressive as carts, but they are still a great option for making delicious cotton candy.
While the price of a small cotton candy machine can vary considerably, a reliable one can be purchased for around US$500. With a little research and patience, you can start making cotton candy for your family and friends and earning money while doing it! There are different types of cotton candy machines and some of them can even produce sugar-free hard candies. While the prices are higher, they can be highly profitable for small businesses.