In the name of a sustainable lifestyle, you can even be a green traveller on vacation. While traveling has some environmental impacts, you can still enjoy luxury and indulge in some eco-friendly practices. Here are some travel tips to help you become a green traveller. Firstly, you should avoid carbon-intensive flight options. Second, avoid using paper whenever possible. Third, purchase reusable, environmentally-friendly coffee mugs. Finally, try to find a hotel that focuses on green living.
You can meet like-minded people by visiting environment and travel meetups. You can also join an online association to meet other green travellers. In Canada, Camp Green, a national campaign to improve the environment, can help you find green activities. And in the UK, many eco-friendly hotels offer green tours. In any case, it is always better to choose the eco-friendly option rather than paying more. In order to be more environmentally-friendly on vacation, you have to use your common sense and be aware of your surroundings.
Travelling has become an important part of our globalisation. Yet, it is also one of the leading causes of global carbon emissions. Travelling is a major source of carbon emissions and that percentage increases every year. Unmindful travelling practices may not only cause problems for our environment, but also for local communities and businesses. Fortunately, there are many ways to make your travels greener. A new movement called green travelling has sprung up around this idea.
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