Are you wondering where you can sell your Home Depot store credit? You probably have several, and you’re not sure how to get the most cash out of them. You might have a gift card that you never used, or perhaps you’ve just returned something you’re not happy with. If you can’t use it, you can try to sell it on eBay. eBay is a great place to sell your gift cards – and it’s easy to do!
Home Depot does offer credit cards and gift cards for sale, but you may not be able to use them on their website. These cards cannot be used at any other retailer, and they may have expired or been given out in error. Online gift card exchanges might charge fees and keep your personal information. Home Depot store credit cards are not transferable to other stores and you may not be able to cash them for cash.
You can use your Home Depot store credit for any purchase you make at a Home Depot store. It is linked to your photo Id and cannot be sold to others. You cannot use your Home Depot store credit to purchase gift cards or cash refunds. In addition, you can’t check the balance online. But don’t worry! It’s still worth trying. Your credit is worth something and you’ll never know what you can get for it.