Melo is a film that has been around since 1986. It is a film from French filmmaker Alain Resnais. The movie is based on a play by Henry Bernstein. This was also the first time Resnais has worked with a linear narrative. While it may not be his most technically advanced or polished film, it is definitely a worthwhile endeavor.
One of the most intriguing aspects of the film is the plot line. Basically, the film is about a young man named Melo who is working in a liquor store, where he befriends the store’s regular, Naya. They go on a journey together, but in the end, it’s not enough. Instead, they both wind up in another crime.
Another thing to see in this film is the cinematography. In particular, we are treated to one of the best shots of Kobe Bryant that we have seen. Other notable appearances are Dwyane Wade, Mike Krzyzewski, and LeBron James. However, the best part of the movie is the actors. Although this isn’t the most attractive cast, it’s the chemistry between the actors that makes the film so absorbing.
Also, the aforementioned “Melo” is a very witty movie. For instance, the title is a very good joke. Moreover, the film has a few other things to say. Among them, the film has a more sophisticated storyline than most of the movies produced in the aforementioned decade. Lastly, the film is a surprisingly mature work. Despite the ages of the actors, the film does not get overly sentimental, and instead focuses on a very interesting romantic triangle.
Finally, the film also has a very impressive IMAX sequence, albeit one that is not shown to the public. Hence, this is the movie that you should not miss. Nonetheless, it is probably a good idea to read up on the film beforehand. As a result, you should be able to judge for yourself whether it is worth your time and money. You can check out more information about this film on its Wikipedia page. Nevertheless, the aforementioned movie is a worthy contender for the best movie of the year. That is, as long as you don’t mind the mediocre quality of its filming. Besides, the film is a nice gift for fans of cinema. Hopefully, you have enjoyed this review of the Melo movie. Let us know what you think in the comments section! Until then, have a great day! We’ll see you soon!Happy Holidays!God bless you!Have a safe and happy New Year!The film is now available on DVD.