If you have recently consumed contaminated food, you may be wondering how long does food poisoning last. Depending on the bacteria or germ that caused the illness, symptoms may appear hours after the initial contaminated food intake, or they may take days or even weeks. However, the good news is that most cases are not serious and will clear up on their own within a few days. However, it’s still important to seek medical attention as soon as possible to ensure your recovery.
To prevent further gastrointestinal upset, you should try to stay home for a minimum of 48 hours. You should also avoid food contact, such as the hands and surfaces from the kitchen. To prevent cross-contamination, always wash your hands with soap and water, scrubbing for at least 15 seconds. You should also clean any surfaces that may have been contaminated with contaminated food before cooking or eating it. As long as you can keep yourself healthy, you can avoid food poisoning in the first place.
Getting a blood test may be necessary if you suspect that your infection has spread into your blood. Blood tests can reveal if Listeria monocytogenes, hepatitis A, or other bacteria is to blame for your symptoms. Additionally, blood tests may reveal the severity of your illness by checking for signs of dehydration and inflammation. Blood or stool tests can also detect toxins, such as botulism, which is lethal. Finally, imaging tests may be necessary to rule out other causes of your symptoms.