Have you ever thought about hiring a lawyer? The profession of a lawyer is considered a serious profession of very high importance. It undertakes to protect the legal interests of a legal or private person before the court of justice, regardless of the position of the client, plaintiff, or defendant. Despite the independence of lawyers in the exercise of their functions, they are governed by strict professional rules which they are required to respect. This is called the legal profession and its ethics
What does the mission of legal assistance of a lawyer consist of?
The lawyer first of all performs a mission of legal assistance. As a legal technician, he can provide consultations on various subjects, even outside of any dispute. He can thus be consulted about the drafting of statutes or contracts, to deal with the possibility of costly litigation.
As part of this assistance mission, the lawyer also has a contentious role:
– he assists his client in the different phases of the procedure where he is present;
– he has the right to plead before all jurisdictions.
The growing complexity of the procedure and the technicality of litigation tend to considerably increase the role of the lawyer’s assistance, including in most day-to-day disputes.
Ethics of the lawyer
The civil code states that everyone is supposed to know the law. But in practice, this is not at all the case. With their specific details, the laws are difficult to control and are not easy to interpret. We cannot protect ourselves individually in complex legal situations, hence the interest in having recourse to a lawyer.
Due to the specialized training followed and the experiences acquired, he can carry out this mission. He is the spokesperson skilled in speaking in court and more apt to demonstrate the veracity of a fact before the judge, to the point of avoiding errors in the application of the law. This requires a great faculty of interpretation and mental skill to circumvent the faults.
Entry into this function is sanctioned by obtaining a law degree. Normally, the 4-year university training is completed with a certificate demonstrating the aptitude for the exercise of the missions of lawyers. It is a pledge of know-how to customers. During their study, certain characteristics are forged in them, the most dominant is the sense of remarkable analysis in addition to the others.
Know-how is not enough. Lawyers are subject to strict professional and ethical rules. They must take an oath that during the exercise of their functions, they will remain loyal, honest, independent, honest, and humane. This oath guarantees professional ethics of the profession to the members of the audience.
All members of the profession will be present. Lawyers are also bound by professional secrecy. Information about treated clients should not be disclosed in any way. Like pharmacists, doctors, accountants, architects, etc., this profession is regulated in order.
What rules do lawyers have to follow?
No one is above the law, and as legal personnel in their own right, lawyers must comply with applicable laws and regulations. Their behavior must be consistent with what is stipulated in the rules of ethics. Inappropriate gestures (serious cases of dishonesty) can harm all members of the profession in addition to its negative repercussions.
The responsibilities of the author of the unfortunate facts are called into question. Disciplinary sanctions will be applied in line with the seriousness of the faults committed. Lawyers must conduct themselves worthy of the oath taken. If there is a disciplinary fault, the supreme authorities of the profession initiate proceedings against the cited lawyer.
He will first be heard in a disciplinary hearing with the colleague of his choice. He will be exposed to light or heavy penalties ranging from warning, reprimand, temporary cessation of the practice of the profession, deprivation of the right to be part of the bar association council, to removal from the bar. deportation, he will find it difficult to integrate again. These prosecuting authorities have the right to appeal the decision taken.
You may find different regulations in each country. For example, if you are looking for the best lawyers in Panama, you can’t base your search on the law rules that apply in the UK or the US, for example. You should study in detail the relevant regulations in Panama to avoid unnecessary “mistakes”. However, broadly speaking, the legal rules that apply in many countries have the same essence.
Fields of intervention of lawyers
Depending on their specializations, lawyers can intervene in a very wide field. Individuals and professional companies are both partners and legal assistants. They advocate on behalf of their clients by offering them appropriate legal advice. Marital issues affect everyone and come up frequently.
They are not at all easy to manage. They always hold particular roles wherever they find themselves, whether in a financial institution, insurance, or private enterprise. To allow you to succeed in a trial, offer them the right to access the file. This is very important from the point of view of protection, assurance of an efficient procedure, and a fair trial.
Before the bar, various interests can be defended, namely a lawsuit, a dispute, a dismissal, a company merger, an accident causing serious injury, and so on. The assistance of a lawyer is very beneficial during a court case. His advice serves to prevent rather than cure. To avoid having to go to trial for a dispute between a professional partner, the support of a lawyer is necessary.
He is responsible for drafting letters between the two parties involved. It warns of what to do or not to do. His recommendations are very valuable and failure to do so can be very expensive and a waste of time. Even in a trial arising from an accident, he can intervene. He deals with appeals and proposals for compensation. Interested in hiring a lawyer? You can consult us. Anyway, good luck in finding your lawyer!